Matthew 6:13 NASB "And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."It's just one small part but so important! Today's verse is part of the answer Jesus gave to His Disciples, when they asked Him how to pray. We've probably said it more times that we can count but have we ever stopped to think about what it means?! I stopped looking at tool catalogues a few years back. I came to realize that flipping through the pages just made me want more and I had enough! I mean really, how many tools does a guy really need. I was being led into temptation for my own desire to have more tools that I didn't need. The old saying of "the one with the most tools wins" is not true at all - the one who knows Jesus is the one who wins and that can be all of us! Do we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior?! We don't need a catalogue to answer that question! peace, tom
Acts 17:30 NASB "So having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now proclaiming to mankind that all people everywhere are to repent,"I didn't know any better! Today's Word speaks right to the point, that we need to repent! When I was younger, I didn't know any better! Many of my actions, thoughts, words were not appropriate and I needed to change. It took me far longer than I would have liked but eventually I realized the hurt I was causing by my ignorance of others. Coming clean, being honest meant repenting, apologizing, making things right! God is calling each of us to stop being ignorant of the way we live and start repenting. Start apologizing and making things right. Going to God and repenting is the right thing to do, so let's stop making excuses and get it done! peace, tom
Romans 10:17 NASB "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ."It was time! Today's verse reminds us where our faith comes from! From time to time, I need to have my hearing aids adjusted. It was time to get them turned up again for I found myself missing what was being said to me. There were times when I couldn't understand what others were saying to me, therefore, I couldn't agree or disagree with what they said. When it comes to our faith, we need to hear what the Lord has said in His Word and what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. Making sure we hear the Word of Christ, either in our own reading of His Word, or going to service or Bible study, will increase our faith. Maybe it's time we turn up the Word of God in our life, so we have the faith to live it! peace, tom
John 5:21 NASB "For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so the Son also gives life to whom He wishes."I had to make the decision to either keep it or discard it! Today we read about new life! It was an old cabinet that had seen better days. I could either repair, refinish and bring it back to life or discard it. I chose to bring it back to new life - sure it was a process, taking the time to sand it, fix the broke drawers, replace the missing pieces but once it was finished, it was brand new. Christ wants nothing more than to bring us new life. To help us fix the broken parts, to restore our minds and hearts - to make us new again. He never wants to discard anyone of us but is willing to put new life into us! With the new year upon us, it's an opportunity to let Him, but it comes down to choice - peace, tom
1 John 1:8 NASB "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us."I made a mistake, and the new year wasn't even a day old! Today's Word, speaks to us about being honest with our failures! As I began to write out today's daily devotion,I had to go back and change the year - I wrote 2024 - I'm sure I'll do that a few more times before I get it right. Being honest with our shortcomings, our failures, our sin is an important step forward. That's if we learn the lessons and repent. Satan wants nothing more than to bring the guilt in our lives so that we don't move forward. Don't listen to his lies but let the Truth lead us where we can be open and honest about our failings, then get up and brush ourselves off and start a new. A new day, a new year, a new opportunity to come clean and be refreshed and renewed - but as always, it comes down to choice! peace, Tom
2 Corinthians 5:17 NASB "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."Well it's here! Today's Word speaks to us about old things passing away and new things coming! It's 2025 and an opportunity to start fresh, being renewed, making changes to our life. One of the best decisions I ever made in my life was to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Sure, I knew about Him, a head knowledge but not until I let Him into my heart, did my life change for the better and for those around me as well. Letting go of the past can be painful, the people we loved, the things we enjoyed but if they don't bring honor to God, then we must ask ourselves, why. As we begin the new year, we have the opportunity to get to know Jesus on a personal level. My prayer for 2025 is that Jesus becomes alive for each of us in a way we never knew before! Happy New Year! Become alive in 2025 by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior! peace, tom
Philippians 3:13 NASB "Brothers and sisters, I do not regard myself as having taken hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead," I had to decide what to keep and what to take with me! Today's verse is about forgetting the past and reaching forward! I couldn't carry it all, so I had to make a decision as to what I was going to bring with me on the trip. There were things I thought I needed and things I wanted, but I couldn't bring them all so I had to decided. As we face the new year, we need to decide what we will bring with us. We need not carry the baggage of our past, we need to let it go. Hopefully we've learned the lessons and can leave the guilt, pain, suffering in the past and face the new year with only the things that make us stronger. I do know one thing I always need to carry with me no matter where I go and that's God's Word - what about you?! peace, tom
Hebrews 10:23 NASB "Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;" Where do we put our hope? Today's verse is about holding firm to our confession of hope! Over the years, I have had hope in many things - like hoping to catch the big one, hope that I get to see my children and grandchildren, hope that my plans work out. These things are were I put my hope in myself but there is a hope that is far greater, that is putting my hope in Jesus Christ! My hope in Him is not something I waver in. I read His Word and see how He always keeps His Word, like today's verse that says He is faithful. As we face the coming of the new year, let us put our hope in Christ, in the promises of God's Word and not waver because the world may think we are crazy - they will but God is faithful, we need to be too! peace, tom
Matthew 6:15 NASB "But if you do not forgive other people, then your Father will not forgive your offenses."Sometimes it happens! Today's verse is about forgiveness, a gift we need to keep giving to others this coming year! When he came to apologize, I had a choice, accept it or not! I was hurt bad by what he said, and how his words cut me deeply but I needed to follow and live today's verse. Forgiving someone isn't always easy, in fact sometimes it down right hard to do but if we want our heavenly Father to forgive us, we need to forgive. That doesn't mean that our relationship goes back to the way it was before but we can begin to rebuild it. When we are hurt, it takes time to heal so take the time and forgive the way we want to be forgiven. Let's not be so prideful that we can't accept an apology - remember, are we making things better or worse?! peace, tom
Romans 14:17 NASB "for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."There's more to it! Today's Word tells us that the kingdom of God isn't about eating and drinking but about so much more! I watched as the little ones opened their presents, I watched as we shared a meal together but I also saw the joy on the faces of family as we gathered to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sure the party atmosphere was wonderful but we can't forget the reason for the season and that is the fact that Jesus came to bring us righteousness, peace and the joy found only in Him. As we pick up the pieces of torn wrapping paper, may we realize that Jesus can take our broken and torn life and put is back together so that we may rejoice in His Birth. I challenge each of us to live His Birth, not only this day but everyday and find the peace of Christ in our lives! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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