Ephesians 4:22-23 NASB "that, in reference to your former way of life, you are to rid yourselves of the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, 23 and that you are to be renewed in the spirit of your minds"It is the end but it can be a new beginning! Today's verses speaks to us about ridding ourselves of the old self and being renewed! Just because it's the end of October, doesn't mean that we can't have a new beginning. With November right around the corner, we can start a new. Challenge ourselves to rid our lives of those things that draw us away from God and begin to be renewed by allowing His Spirit to guide our lives. When I had to leave the fire department, I thought my life was over but what I found was a new beginning. It wasn't an end but an opportunity for a new start. Start fresh by letting go of our past and being renewed by the love of Christ! peace, tom
Matthew 6:13 NASB "And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."Don't go that way! Today's verse is part of the Lord's Prayer that many of us have learned and prayed, but we still have choice! My dad was giving me directions on how best to get to the location where I was to meet him, along with those directions came a warning about a construction site that would delay my arrival. He was keeping me safe from the unwanted waiting as the road was to be blocked for a few hours. I thought that I could get past the construction site before they began to work but I was wrong! If we pray today's verse, we need to be aware that He will lead us away from evil, but we still have the choice to go our own way. Don't get stuck in life because we choose the wrong path but follow where He leads us and that will always be away from temptation and evil, but it always comes down to choice! peace, tom
1 Thessalonians 5:17 NASB "pray without ceasing"It was all I could do! Today's verse is rather short but can go on forever! I had received a call from a friend sharing with me about the health of his son and he asked me to pray for them! As I took time to ask for God's touch upon the situation, I began to wonder if my short quick prayer was enough? Paul shared that we should pray without ceasing and that means that our entire life, should be a prayer. As I went through my day, I kept praying, not only for the friend who called, but the many who I knew needed God's Touch. Sometimes the only thing we can do is pray so why not do it with all our strength and focus and let God handle the rest. The best thing is He will, in His Way, in His Timing, so let's just keep praying! peace, tom
Ecclesiastes 7:8 NASB "The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than arrogance of spirit."Nothing like standing back and seeing what was accomplished! Today's Word is about the end rather than the beginning and how patience is the key! If we enjoy the journey of the project we are doing, the end result will bring us more satisfaction than if we rush through it just to get it done! I was hired to clean out an old barn where years of "stuff" had been placed. I could have just rented a dumpster and begin to fill it up but I took my time and went through things and donated the many items that could be used again. When it was all over, I stood at the door to the barn and found satisfaction that many others were blessed by my patience to do the job. Let's not be so quick to rush through what the Lord has called us to do but patiently get it done! peace, tom
Psalm 32:8 NASB "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will advise you with My eye upon you."Nothing like having a good teacher, mentor and advisor! Today's Word speaks to us about letting God direct us and teach us and advise us! Whether we are learning to navigate troubled waters, or trying make the best financial decision or a life choice, having an advisor will help us make the right choice. I remember when my dad taught me about boating in the Niagara River. There are places where if you go, you will hit bottom and run into trouble, but he taught me the safe passages up the river. In life, there are places that we shouldn't go, choices that we shouldn't make and having a godly mentor to teach us and lead us is exactly what God will do for us, if we turn to Him. Don't go it alone, life's choices are better with God! Peace, tom
Galatians 6:9 NASB "Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary." As we finished cleaning out the garden of all the harvest, I thought about the hours I spent watering and weeding. Today's Word is about endurance and not becoming discouraged in doing good! Sure there were times when I didn't feel like weeding and caring for the plants, but the short term struggle was nothing compared to the bounty of the harvest! There is nothing like eating home grown vegetables and the satisfaction of enjoying the hard work. Our days can be filled with struggles of keeping Christ first in our life but if we endure, we can see the goodness of the Lord by the produce of the work of our hands. Don't get discouraged but keep our focus that in good time we will reap a bounty for the Lord! Find strength in Christ to get it done! peace, tom
1 Corinthians 15:57 NASB "but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."If I based it upon the failures, I would have given up! Today's verse shares with us where the true victory comes from! I had tried over and over to get rid of the anger that had run my life. Time and time again, I had fallen to my knees in prayer, asking God for help but honestly I didn't really believe that He would. Failure after failure left me thinking it was impossible to ever get rid of it but only when I truly went to God with a repentive heart, did He do a work in me and I found the victory over anger I sought for so many years. I learned that there are some things we need to be angry about but it's what we do with our anger that may be sin. Find victory in Christ! peace, tom
2 John 1:9 ESV "Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son." In my rush to get there, I ran ahead! Today's Word is about getting ahead of God and that's not a good thing! As a young boy, my dad took me fishing and as we walked along the shore, to get to the spot where he wanted us to fish, I ran ahead of him not knowing where I was going. I ran so fast because of being excited to fish that I took my eyes off where I was walking and eventually fell in the rocks. With skinned knee, my father picked me up and hugged me as the tears ran down my face. Many times, in our excitement to get things done, we run ahead of God's plan. We need not to get ahead of Him and keep His teachings so we don't end up in tears! He will hug us and comfort us but let's not rush ahead of Him but enjoy the journey with Him! peace, tom
Hebrews 2:1 NASB "For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it." When the trouble started, I was glad I paid attention! Today's Word is about listening and paying attention so we don't fall away! As the fire raged, my job was to get water to the firefighters who were entering the structure, the only problem was that the pump wasn't working correctly. I didn't have a lot of time before things would have gotten dangerous for those entering the building but I had paid attention to the instructor during "pump class" and began to follow the instruction he had taught. The pump kicked into gear and water was delivered. Sometimes in life, we need to make sure we pay attention to what is spoken to us so when trouble comes, we will remember what to do. Let's pay attention to what the Spirit is teaching us! peace, tom
Colossians 3:10 NASB "and have put on the new self, which is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created it"They just look different! Today's Word speaks to us about change and putting on the new self! They are beautiful as the leaves change colors but eventually all the leaves fall off and the trees look bare. I couldn't help but think that when we first come to know Jesus, we begin to lose some of the things that were part of our life. They slowly slip away as we put on a new self, the new image we are in Christ. Letting go of the past, the things we held on to can be painful but being renewed in Christ means that we are new. Don't let the falling away of the things we used to like to do keep us from enjoying the beauty of coming to know Christ. Enjoy the newness of life found in Christ! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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