Ephesians 5:15 (NASB) "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,"There are two symbols on my snowblower, one is a turtle and the other a rabbit! The first time I used my new snowblower I thought I could keep up with it in the rabbit speed, boy was I sorry mistaken! Today's verse speaks to how we walk, and how wisdom plays a part! Not soon after I pushed the handle down did I find myself literally falling behind the snowblower as it took off! I was walking as an unwise person. I should have started out slowly and found out just how fast the new machine is! Many times in life we will find ourselves trying to go too fast, whether walking or driving, or just trying to get things done. Inevitably, we may have to learn today's verse the hard way. Let's not run ahead of God or the Holy Spirit but walk carefully as wise men, rather than find ourselves falling to our knees for the wrong reason! peace, tom
Hebrews 5:7 (ESV) "In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence."I am not sure when was the first time I seen him do it but he still does it today! As a young boy, I remembering seeing my dad pray! I don't remember the first time I saw him but I remember and still see him today do it. Today's verse speaks about Jesus praying, praying to God the Father. Whether we were on a fishing trip together or sitting at restaurant about to share a meal, my dad prays. What a wonderful example for a young boy and now a man to see. To think that even Jesus set the example for us and there are godly men around us praying. I pray that we are that type of example too, that when things get hard, we pray, when things go well we pray in thanksgiving, when people see us, they see us praying. Prayer is just talking to God, when was the last time we had a conversation with Him?! Make it today! peace, tom
Isaiah 48:10 (NASB) " “Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction."Inevitably the concrete will crack due to the pressure but there are things we can do to make sure it doesn't crack where we don't want it to! Today's verse speaks to us about being refined, not as silver but tested in the furnace of affliction! We installed expansion joints where the concrete was to butt up against an existing structure, and put pressure groves where we wanted the concrete to crack and it will crack!! In life, we will face pressures that will try and make us crack, situations where the afflictions of manhood can cause us to crack... but if we have Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit and other godly men to hold us accountable, we don't have to crack! We can face the furnace, no matter how hot, (see the scripture relating to Daniels friends in the fiery furnace Daniel Chapter 3) - Let's be refined in our walk by passing the test of the fiery furnaces of our life! peace, tom
Isaiah 40:29 (NASB) "He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power."It was the last thing I really wanted to do, but I found the strength to keep moving forward! It had been an exhausting day and then it happened, I could have left and gone my own way or I could have stayed and offered my help! Today's verse shares with us where we can find the strength to go forward, the power to keep on keeping on! It is found in Him, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit! My son-in-law had decided to tap his maple trees for making syrup, I had already had a busy day and was rather exhausted but when someone needs help, I feel we must offer it! I took a moment as we walked the woods, to see the beauty of God's Creation, just a moment and found the strength to keep moving forward. When we enter that "weak" zone, may we find the strength in our Lord to power on! By the way, it's free, all we need to do is ask! Have a powerful day in the strength of our Lord! peace, tom
Psalm 25:4 (NASB) "Make me know Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths."I went that way because it's the way I've always gone! It was strange to find out that a new road had been added to the area in which I live. Going down that road cut off a lot of time and made the ride to work with less traffic! Today's verse shares about seeking the Lord for His Path in life! When I first heard about the new road, I wasn't sure if I wanted to take it. I knew the way to work and it was a comfortable ride, a mindless ride if you will. I am not sure why I tried the new road but when I did, I found the ride to work easier, should have taken it sooner! In life, we may find ourselves going down the path of least resistance. Going the way we know without ever thinking there could be a better way. Seeking our Lord and His Path for our life may take us down unfamiliar territory and it may not be easier but then again it may. Let's follow where He leads and enjoy the adventure! peace, tom
1 Corinthians 3:10 (NASB) "According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it."I had to apologize to my customer! I had laid out the basics for the job and hired someone else to come along and finish it up, the only problem was that the man I hired didn't give his best and the final outcome was less than I expected! Today's verse tells us to be careful how we build upon another man's work! It was clearly my fault for not checking back upon the work the hired man was doing. I always treat customer's homes like it was mine but the hired man didn't have the same attitude. With Christ as our foundation, we must be careful to have the same attitude as Christ in building upon His Foundation, anything less is unacceptable! Let's not find ourselves apologizing to Christ for building a shoddy job upon Him as we live Christ day to day. Build well my friends for it's an example of how much we respect Christ and His Work! peace, tom
1 Peter 4:10 (ESV) "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:"
We had been blessed and now it was time to bless others! When the church I was pastoring began to look at all the items we had been blessed with, it was time to clean some things out and bless other churches with not only our excess but with things that they could use. Today's verse is really about sharing what we have been gifted with by sharing them with others! I am sure that each of us, if we go through those boxes in our attics, garages, storage units, will find items that we no longer use but are still useful. Maybe today's the day we live out the verse for today by boxing some items up and giving to those in need?! It may be the day we finally get off our good intentions and actually serve others by donating our time, talents and gifts that we have been blessed with. Something to think about as we contemplate how God blessed us with His Son so that we may spend eternity with Him. The best gift given is love, when was the last time we gave that away?! peace, tom Ecclesiastes 5:20(NASB) "For he will not often consider the years of his life, because God keeps him occupied with the gladness of his heart."I am not sure where or when I first heard it but I use it often! "Age is a state of mind", was told to me many years ago and I have come to believe it is so! Today's verse shares about a man not often considering the years of his life because God fills our hearts with gladness. I am sure each of us count the years of our life by celebrating our birthday but the reality is that we are only as old as we feel. Sure I wake up with new aches and pains, sometimes brought on by trying to do the things I could when I was younger, but if I concentrate on the gladness in my heart, by the blessings of God, the pain doesn't seem so bad. Let us walk by the gladness in our hearts by His blessings rather than focus on the pain of growing old! Remember just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean there isn't warmth inside! peace, tom
2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NASB) "Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!"I wish I would have found the verse and understood it when I was a younger man! There were times in my life when it seemed as if everything was so confusing. Whether I was at work or at home, life seemed so complicated and my mind was racing in no particular direction. Today's verse speaks of peace, granted by the Lord in every circumstance! Notice that the verse doesn't say that we will have peace when things are going well but in all circumstances. That's the beauty of our Lord, that despite the struggles of manhood, we may find His Peace granted to us! Why you may ask, so that we can survive through the valleys. Not every day will be filled with happiness but every day can be filled with His Peace, we just need to seek Him first above all- ask for a peace of His pie today! peace be with you, Tom.
Luke 1:79 (NASB) "To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide our feet into the way of peace.”"While arriving on the scene, the place was in chaos and confusion running everywhere! There were a lot of people just moving around but in no particular direction, some going this way while others going that way. Our first concern was life safety as our crew began to move people away from danger and to a safe location, checking for injuries along the way. Today's verse speaks of shining a Light upon the darkness and guiding into the way of peace. No matter who we are, when panic strikes, most begin to run aimlessly while those who have been trained for just an emergency calmly go about helping others. In life we will have chaos and misdirection but if we allow the Holy Spirit, and God's Word to be our guide, we will find the path to peace, no matter what! Be sure that we are following the right road to peace, for there are many that lead to destruction! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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