Lamentations 3:21 (NASB) "This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope."They told us that it would be a long journey, the path would be difficult but if we stayed the course, it would be worth the struggle. Today's verse speaks to us about recalling to mind things that will allow us to have hope! There's no better place than God's Word to recall to our minds, to hear the promises of God and have hope that things will get better. I struggled with the journey we were on but I kept hearing those words to staying the course, that the end would be worth the fight to get there. Maybe you're struggling right now, not sure how it will end or if it will end. May the words of our Savior bring you hope to keep up the fight for what is right. It will mean that many of our friends will turn away but God never will. Keep on keeping on and find the hope in God's Word. Don't give up on that marriage that is going through a rough patch, or that child that is disobedient, or the job that seems to be a struggle every day or even that church that may not have it all together, keep recalling to mind the things of God and have hope in Him! peace, tom
1 Peter 5:7(NASB) "casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."It was late and he needed someone to listen to him and care! I am usually in bed by that time but when my phone rang, I answered it. It was a friend who was stressing out about a situation that was occurring with him and his family. He needed a calming voice, someone to pray with him, someone to say it was going to be ok! Today's verse speaks to us about calling out to God, casting our anxiety and fear upon Him simply because He cares for us! As we shared on the phone, I left him by praying with and for him and his family and shared today's verse. We can support each other, pray for each other, but the reality is that the best place to go is to God! Supporting each other through the rough patches of life by sharing God and praying is exactly what life with Christ is all about, don't believe me, check out God's Word. Read what Jesus did and how He cares for us today! Be a blessing to someone and cast our own fears upon the Lord, He really cares! peace, tom
Matthew 7:24(NASB) “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock."I am not sure the first time I went in there but I do remember going there often and finding things I enjoyed and have learned from! As a young boy, I always enjoyed going into my father's work space. I would climb upon his chair and began to look at and play with the tools that hung upon the peg board. I was always curious what the latest project he was working on! Today's verse speaks about God's Word and how if we hear them, and act on them, we will be compared to a wise man! Years later, I still remember the lessons from my dad and his workshop. As I use tools today that I seen as a small boy, I remember the wisdom my dad passed along. That's how is should be with God's Word. Opening the Bible will share some amazing promises and lessons that God wants to share with us. It will give us tools to accomplish this thing called life and if we stay in God's Word we will truly be a wise man! When was the last time you spent time in God's Workshop and seen His Latest project, that project could be us? peace, tom
Mark 13:32 (NASB) "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."I thought back to my first day in the fire house. I waited anxiously for the "go bell" to go off and we would be responding to a first aid call or a fire call. I remember wondering if I was prepared for what was to come. Today's verse speaks about Jesus Christ's return, how not even the angels know when it will take place but it will happen! I remember going over in my head the things that I had learned in rookie school, how to do this and that, what responsibilities I was to have once we were called into action. Waiting for Christ's return will come when we least expect it so I wonder, are we ready, have we lived our life "prepared" for His Return. No one knew when the go bell would go off and we would be heading out, so we needed to be ready at a moment's notice. The question for today is are we ready?! Reading His Word daily, praying without ceasing and walking by the Spirit are all things we should be doing as we wait for His Go Bell to ring! peace, tom
Mark 9:35 (NASB) "Sitting down, He called the twelve and *said to them, “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.”"We were excited to get into the concert and find our seats before the performance began but the line outside was very long! Today's verse shares Jesus' Words to His 12 and to us today, about being first and being last! After waiting about 20 minutes, we were close to getting in and that's when we seen a car pull up and out came a wife and her husband. He was in wheelchair and carried his oxygen tank with him. They looked at the long line behind us and you could see the disappointment in their faces, realizing what a long wait it would be to get in. That's when my wife and I let them cut the line!! It wasn't a popular decision but it was a godly one. Letting them go first made our wait a little longer but made our hearts glad! Being last and a servant of all isn't a bad thing, it's a state of mind to be like Jesus! Even a small gesture can change a person's life! peace, tom
1 Corinthians 14:33 (NASB) "for God is not a God of confusion but of peace..."I had to take a step back, take a breath and find some peace in the crazy situation before me! Today''s verse speaks about peace and confusion and how God is in one and not the other! Whether I was at a fire scene where things were getting crazy or at a church board meeting where views were differing and things were getting out of hand, I had to step back and breath! Maybe you've found yourself in situations were things were going off the rails, that what was being done or said just didn't make sense and the confusion was growing by the minute. It's times like these that we need to step back and seek our Lord's peace, the Holy Spirit's comforting and quiet voice to bring peace to a confusing situation. Even in our families, we can find confusion or peace, the choice is up to us. We know that God's Word says He is not a god of confusion so if we find ourselves there, we must ask, is God with us, if not let's invite Him in! peace, tom
Titus 2:7(NASB) "in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified,"I was amazed that after seeing me do it once, he copied me! Spending the day with my grandson, I noticed from time to time, that he imitated my actions. Today's Word speaks to us about showing ourselves to be examples of good deeds, with purity and being dignified! I couldn't help but wonder if my example to my grandson fit today's verse. I had to examine my behavior, my actions, for he was definitely watching every thing I did. People watch people and most children will do what they see us adults do, so I wonder, what example are we setting. More importantly God is watching! I remember as a young boy, thinking to myself, that God had eyes everywhere, seeing all I did. I am sure that most days, He must has shaken His Head and said "what is he thinking by doing that?" Let's make sure that our actions fit according to God's Word and not according to the world. People are watching, the question is... what are they seeing in us? peace, tom
Acts 4:22 (NASB) "for the man was more than forty years old on whom this miracle of healing had been performed."It's never too late, we are never too old! While helping a friend with a home project, I learned a new tip for getting the project done! Today's verse speaks about the age of a man who was healed! We are never too old to experience new things especially things of the Lord. I was reminded of that fact when I sat at the coffee shop and shared Jesus with a 60 year old man, or the time my neighbor Fred came to accept Jesus as His Lord and Savior at 101. I have heard it said that "age is a state of mind" and if we keep our minds, like those of a child, we can learn new things from God. The key of course is not necessarily acting as a child but having the heart of a child where we are willing and open to learn new things. What have you learned from God this week as we read His Word?! peace, tom
1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NASB) "pray without ceasing"The sad reality was that as the ambulance drove away to the hospital, we knew he wouldn't make it! Our crew had responded to a first aid call for a man not breathing, when we arrived, we found that the man was in cardiac arrest. We began CPR and hooked up the defibrillator and waited for the ambulance. Today's verse, although short, speaks largely about prayer, something we should never cease doing. Without breathing constantly we will die, the same should be about prayer. Not that we will die without it but with it, life can be so much better. Crying out to God, listening for His Reply is prayer! Allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through us in a different tongue when we just don't have the words is prayer! Hearing the need of those around us and taking them to God is prayer. With so many different ways to pray, maybe that's what Paul meant about praying without ceasing?! The question is, are we praying only when we need something or are we speaking to God daily as we do this thing called life?! peace, to
Psalm 145:4 (NASB) "One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts."I watched as he ran from one side of the dock to the other! The young father was teaching his two boys how to fish and kept running back and forth to make sure that each boy was learning the art of fishing! Today we read about one generation praising God's works and declaring His Mighty acts to the next generation! After the father had got both boys set up and had their lines casted into the water, he began to fish and no sooner did he pull in a rather large bass. His sons were thrilled to drop their poles and come see what their father had caught. Those of us blessed by the goodness of the Lord need to be sharing the story of Christ, the blessings of God to the next generation. Our children and other children and young men and woman need to see us read our Bibles, kneel in prayer, and give praise to our God. The question is... what are we passing along to the next generation?! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
February 2025
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