Isaiah 1:17 NASB "Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor, Obtain justice for the orphan, Plead for the widow’s case."I stood back and looked at it and said "I can do better!" Today's Word speaks about how we can do better in different areas of life! I could have walked away from the project, for it was done but it was not my best. In my rush to get it done, I had not given my best. I could have done better and needed to go back and make it right! In life, there will be times when we need to step back and ask ourselves, is this our best?! Whether it be at home with our families, at work with our job, or in our community, we need to ask the hard question of "can I do better?". Jesus didn't just go to the Cross, He went and gave His Best, His Life for us and we need to do the same, giving our best in every situation, for those we encounter in life. Say it with me " I can do better, now lets go and do better! peace, tom
1 Thessalonians 1:2 NASB "We always give thanks to God for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers;"The flags will wave, the little ones will ask why and those who have lost will remember! Today's verse speaks of giving thanks and making mention of them in our prayers! Memorial Day, a day to remember those who gave the greatest sacrifice, their life! Cemeteries will be covered in the flag of the United States, children will wonder why as they are driven by and our country will remember those who gave their life. We remember the men and woman who gave of themselves for freedom. I can't help but think how Jesus Christ set the example of giving His Life for our freedom from sin and death! May this day be a day to remember those who have fallen and a day when we remember that we can find new life in Christ! Join me in praying for all those who lost loved ones in the service of our country! peace, tom
Matthew 18:20 NASB "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."Wow, that was fast! Today we learn that when 2 or 3 gather together in His Name, He is with us! We didn't sit around praying, or reading God's Word but we went to work. Three of us, getting it done and the time and job flew by. There was work to be done and we worked like a well oiled machine and before we knew it, the jobs were done! Gathering together can bring comfort and help get life done. The key of course is who are we gathering with?! When we gather with those who know Christ, there seems to be a peace that comes over the group and that's the Spirit of our Living God! Whether we are working together, praying together, or just enjoying life together, be sure to make room for Christ, cause He wants to be there too! peace, tom
James 1:22 NASB "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not just hearers who deceive themselves." We can only sit back so long! Today we read about being doers and not just hearers! Yes it happened again! Sadly we see evil raise it's ugly head again and the death of small children and adults are the ones who have paid the ultimate price! We can sit back and hear the news stories and then keep sitting back or we can get up, get involved in our local church, get involved in our community action groups, it all comes down to choice! There is a better way and it's Jesus Christ! We can hear about Him but do we know Him, are we living for Him and sharing Him with others. Maybe it won't stop the next tragedy but it will give strength to try and isn't that being doers rather than just hearers?! If not for our sake, let's do it for the children!!! Get involved!! peace, tom
1 Peter 4:9 ESV "Show hospitality to one another without grumbling." I had to pull him aside! Today we learn a little about how to care for one another and how we need to do it! While attending to a patient on a first aid call, one of the guys began to complain about having to be there. I pulled him aside and told him, treat him like he was a member of your family. My crew mate didn't want to be there, didn't want to help and voiced his opinion rather loudly so even the family heard it. We need to suck it up sometimes when called upon to help others. If we don't want to do it, then don't but don't complain about it. Either step up and give our best or don't do it at all. Caring for those in need should not be a source of complaining or grumbling but if it is, maybe we need to rethink why we do what we do. Jesus never complained in going to the Cross for us, the least we can do is help others in need, without the grumbling! peace tom
Romans 14:1 NASB "Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not to have quarrels over opinions."We had spent more time arguing over what we were going to do than actually getting it done! Today we learn to welcome those who are weak in faith and stop arguing over different opinions! He was new on the job and although he didn't know what it took to get it done, he had voiced his opinion and it caused a disagreement within the group. The discussion led to an argument which led to more talking than working. Finally the foreman stepping in and said enough! He called the new guy into his office and told the rest of us to get the job done! I am not sure what the foreman said to him but when he came back, he went right to work with us and before we knew it, the job was done! Working as one, even helping those who aren't sure what to do, will lead us to getting the job done, rather than fighting over a different opinion! Let's work together rather than fight apart! peace, tom
Romans 13:8 NASB "Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for the one who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the Law."The bills were paid, the servers were given their tip, and all that was left was to love one another! Today's verse speaks to us about owing nothing to anyone except to love them! As we finished up the celebration of our daughter's wedding, I took a moment to thank all those who made the day special. They worked tirelessly to make sure that our family had a wonderful time, and we did as we watched two people join together as one. Two families coming together to celebrate love! In a world where there is division, hatred, anger, it was nice to step aside from those things and love. Maybe our days have been filled with anger, struggles, trouble and difficulties but that's never an excuse not to try and love on someone today! Wouldn't it be nice if the law of the land was to love on someone, what a wonderful world this would be, to borrow a song lyric! peace, tom
Genesis 2:24 NASB "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."I pray we set a good example! And the two shall become one is today's verse and how appropriate as this weekend, I will have the honor of officiating the wedding of our last unwed daughter! Perspective is a good thing, I can say that I am losing a daughter or I can say that I am gaining a son! It's all how we look at it. We are blessed that each of our daughters have chosen men who love them, care for them, and are truly joined together with them and our prayer is that Carolyn and I set the example of what it means to become one flesh. The joy of putting our daughters hand into the hand of the man who will love her, protect her and become one with her is an exciting time just like when someone accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior and becomes part of His Family! The question for today is are we part of His Family?! Congratulations Katie and Alex!! peace, tom
Jeremiah 9:7 ESV "Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts: “Behold, I will refine them and test them, for what else can I do, because of my people?"No one likes a dead battery! Today's Word is about testing, being refined and that's a good thing! When we turned the key, nothing happened. The battery on the lawn tractor was dead, so there was no cutting the grass this day. After putting the battery charger on for a few hours, it still was dead and needed to be replaced! In life, we will find times when our battery is dead, and even after being recharged, we still may struggle with coming to life fully. We need to take time to replace the energy lost, the overworked bodies, the exhaustion of running here and there with no rest! Being refined means learning that we need to cut some things our of our life that sap our strength and put in things that will allow our batteries to be charged to full capacity. Spending time with God, His Word and relaxing in the Spirit can and will recharge us for the day! When was the last time we just sat and listened to His Voice? peace, tom
Luke 23:43 NASB "And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”"Some of them are there! Today we read Jesus' Words from the Cross for one crucified with Him but not the other! Many in my home town are grieving the loss of life due to evil, plain and simple. It was a tragedy that cost the lives of people just out shopping and shouldn't have happened but it did. Many will use this to incite more violence, more rage, more acts of hatred or we can use this as a way to heal, to come together, to show compassion. It always comes down to choice and one choice we all need to make and share with others is to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior! Please join me in praying for the families of all those involved, yes even the shooter for if anyone needs to know Jesus, he does! Let's not let evil grow but snuff it out with love and compassion. Help others hear those words from our Savior by sharing Him today! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
September 2024
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