John 1:9 (NASB) "There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man."There is darkness, then there is real darkness! It was night and it was dark but when we entered the building, it became even darker! There was no light from the few stars or lights shining in the night but when we entered the building, all light was gone! Today we learn about Jesus, the Light, coming into the world to enlighten us men and every man! A friend, who owned an apartment building, had called because his building had lost electric for some reason. As we turned on our flashlights, the light was blinding at first due to the time we spent in darkness. Much like us men who have spent too much time in the world rather than in His Word so when the Light of Christ comes into our lives, we may be blinded but over time the light will become a comfort rather than a blinding uncomfortable light! Stay in the Light rather than the darkness so that HE can shine through us! peace, tom
2 Timothy 2:24 (NASB) "The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged,"I wanted so badly to share my real feelings but I knew if I spoke the truth without love, I would be starting an argument! Today's verse speaks about not being quarrelsome, especially those of us who know the Lord. We are to be kind, able to teach and patient with those who have wronged us. Getting even or getting back at those who have hurt us is the way of the world NOT the way of Christ. It's our fleshly desire that wants to strike back where our spirit filled life should be setting or following the example Christ set for us. Whether it's with our wives, co workers, friends or even those we have just met, turning the other cheek will share Christ more than any harsh word spoken! Follow the Holy Spirit's lead in loving others rather than the world in hurting others! peace, tom
Romans 15:2 (NASB) "Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification."I am sure you've heard this one, I did many times growing up... "if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all!" It seemed that each time I saw him, things went from bad to worse. Having a person in your life that, well let's just say "rubs you wrong" can be a difficult journey to endure but if we hold to today's verse about pleasing our neighbor for his good (and not ours!) and to build him up (not ourselves) we may have a totally different attitude when we see them or have to deal with them and it just maybe to keep our mouth shut! I believe that God can do more with our silence sometimes than we can by opening our mouths and trying to "convince" others about His Love! Let's build each other up by whatever means the Spirit leads and that just may be to be quiet and let Him do the talking! peace, tom
1 John 5:13 (NASB) "These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life."It has been a long time since I got one or even sent one out! Going through a drawer in my desk, I ran across letters, handwritten letters mailed to me. Today's verse speaks to us about those who believe in the name of the Son of God will have eternal life! (now that's a letter!!). Some of the letters were from my dad, others from an uncle who spent time in Vietnam, some were from old friends who I haven't seen in years but as I read through some of them, I came away with the feeling that I was and am loved. I wonder, when we read through God's Word, and read about everlasting life, do we feel loved?! Well we should because God gave His Only Son so that we may have that eternal life. Maybe we should send God a thank you card or at least offer up a prayer of thanks!! peace, tom
2 Samuel 22:40 (NASB) " “For You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me."Nothing like a timely text or phone call from a friend to help get us past the difficulties. It was one of "those" days, you know, when everything seems to be going in the wrong direction. I didn't know that about my friend but when I texted him and encouraged him that God will give him the strength to carry on, his reply "thank you and thank God!" Today's verse speaks about being girded with strength for the battle! Everyone, from time to time, needs a little encouragement and strength for the battles of the day. We can be encouraged by spending time in God's Word and then reach out to another to encourage them. A simple text, phone call, or even some time over a cup of coffee can help us subdue those who rise up against us when we are feeling all alone. Make the call or text that friend that God has put on your heart!! Here's your text - Be strengthened in Him today! peace, tom
Mark 16:15-16 (NASB) "And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned."Trust me, come this way! While fighting a high rise fire, we encountered some people trapped and began removing them to safety. The problem was that they didn't want to move at first, not trusting us but as we shared the truth, they were led to safety! Today's verse is about sharing Christ, and for the purpose that those who will believe will be saved and yet there are some who do not believe and be condemned. I remember telling the one gentleman that following us was safer than staying in place and hoping he'd be ok. Sure there was risk involved in moving but the end result was worth it. Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is a risk that brings rewards for all eternity. And those of us who know Him, need to share Him! It's as simple as that! peace, tom
Galatians 5:1(NASB) "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."As our small group of men began to share, one man stopped us and said "today I am celebrating 4 years of freedom!" We weren't exactly sure what he was referring to but as he continued to share, it became clear that Christ had set him free from a temptation that plagued him for years. Today's verse shares that freedom set by Christ has indeed set us free and we are to stand firm and not go back into slavery! There are many things in life that will try to control us, keep us off the right path but if we hold firm to the freedom found in and through Christ, we can truly live free. It comes down to choice, we can either be free in Christ or be in bondage to sin. I don't know about you but freedom in Christ is the choice I choose, what about you?! peace, tom
Hebrews 12:11 (NASB) "All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness."It was years later that it all made sense! Not until I had children of my own did I realize just what my parents were trying to teach me by the lessons of discipline. Today's verse speaks of discipline for the moment is not joyful but sorrowful but once trained by it, it can lead to a peaceful resolution! Discipline is never easy, whether it's you being disciplined or you are the one disciplining someone else, but the long term effects, if the lessons are learned, can bring a peace that most will miss. Watching my daughter with her son, I see her saying and doing some of the same things my parents did to me. It almost seems like a full circle and I pray that the discipline I learned, and taught to her will teach our little man the lessons of disciplining with love. Come to think of it, that's just what God's discipline is all about too, sharing the love of discipline so we learn His Lessons and become better that before! Let's hand in there as He disciplines us, for there will be a better day, if we learn His Lessons! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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