Colossians 3:10 NASB "and have put on the new self, which is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created it"I felt like a kid again! Today's Word speaks of putting on a new self, being renewed in the knowledge of God!" I didn't realize the impact they would have but as I laced up my new ice skates, and got on the ice, I felt like a kid again. My old skates were heavy, the new ones lighter, the old skates hurt, the new ones fit perfectly and because so, I could skate better than I had in years! Putting something new on can make the difference between drudging through life or walking anew. Putting on Christ can bring a refreshing to our old tired life like never before. The key is whether or not we admit that we need His Newness each day?! Don't let our pride keep us from admitting we need a newness in our life and let that newness be Christ! We can be like a kid again! peace, tom
1 Chronicles 16:11 NASB "Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face continually."I couldn't get it done, so I had to wait! Today's verse is a good verse to hold on to and apply to our lives, continually!! Trying to do some repair work on my vehicle, I didn't have the strength to get it done, but I knew that my dad, being stronger than I, would have no problem getting it done, the only problem was that he was at work so I had to wait till he came home! In life, we will find those times when we don't have the strength to get the job done, so let's seek the best place to go, to the Lord! There's nothing wrong in admitting that we need help, who doesn't need help each day, so let's seek Him continually for the "free" help available. When my dad came home, it was no problem helping me get it done, God will too, we just may have to wait for His Timing! peace, tom
James 1:2-3 ESV "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."I have to be honest, I didn't find the joy until I was done! Today we read that we are to count it as joy when we meet various kinds of trials, but thats easy to say but hard to do! With each turn of the pipe wrench, more leaks came! It got to the point where I needed to redo the entire plumbing line. What I didn't know was that after it was all redone, it came out better, the water flowed easier and cleaner than I ever thought. In the midst of the project, I never thought about "joy" - you know like when our favorite team scores and we jump up and down like a two year old, but if we can learn that the testing of our faith produces steadfastness... wait, who uses the word steadfastness today - let's try - loyalty or faithfulness, we can look back and see that joy can be found in our trials. Let's find the joy even in the midst of the battle and remain loyal to Him! peace, tom
Titus 2:6 ESV "Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled."I took the time to explain to him, why we shouldn't act that way! Today's verse shares that we should urge younger men to be self controlled and it insinuates that we should be that way too! I thought back to my youth, and how there were times when I let the my emotions, my anger run my life. It made for some very bad situations and I thank God my parents never gave up in trying to teach me that's not a good way to live. Watching my grandsons grow up, I see moments where they need to hear today's Word. Rather than yell at them, I try to explain why some behavior isn't appropriate. Learning self control is a life long process but we can get there when we focus on how Christ from the Cross didn't lash out but simple said "forgive them!" Being under control allows us to be the example of Christ when the world may seem to be out of control! peace, tom
1 Corinthians 3:16 NASB "If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy that person; for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are."The damage was unrepairable so we decided to start over! Today's verse, while harsh, is speaking to us the Truth about destroying the house of the Lord, and we are the house! Inviting people to join us as we serve the local church, I have heard too many times that the "church" has hurt me, that's why I don't go. What a sad state of affairs to hear that people don't go to God's House because of what other people have done to them. Don't let people destroy our relationship with Jesus Christ. We all have a responsibility to live Christ in such a way as to encourage others to know Him as Lord and Savior! Remember, we ARE the temple of the God and we should be holy as He is holy. Let's stop letting our actions hurt others who want to come to Jesus! peace, tom
Acts 2:2 "And suddenly a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.I heard the noise, seen the pieces flying and knew something had happened! Today's verse may seem like a storm is brewing, and it was and is, it was the day the Holy Spirit came upon the world! As we traveled down the road, I knew something had happened. Pulling over, we found that the trailer tire had blown! Trying to repair it by the side of the highway meant that we faced tractor trailers going past us at 70 MPH, and the wind that blew by us was strong. It made me think of today's verse, people gathered together and heard and felt the power of the Holy Spirit fill the room. I am sure that they were excited and yet scared at what was happening but once the power came upon them, they began to find the strength to live for Jesus! Once the tire was repaired, we could move forward again to where we were headed. Once the Holy Spirit fills us, we can begin to move forward with confidence and strength found only in Christ. The question for today is... is the "wind" blowing in our life! peace, tom
2 John 1:8 NASB "Watch yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward." I could feel the rope beginning to slip, I had to get a better grip! Today's verse is a warning, a warning about keeping an eye out for the things that may cause us to slip and fall back! As the unit got higher, the weight seemed to get heavier, meaning that we had to hold on tighter if we wanted to get it to where it needed to be. Lifting up the unit, to get it to the roof, meant using all our strength and not letting it begin to fall back. Sure our arms ached, our hands became tired, but we needed to keep an eye on our progress or it never would have gotten there. In life, there will be those things that try and pull us away from our walk with Christ, things that make us "slip" backwards to where we were once before! Don't let it happened, we've grown in Him to where we are and we need to keep moving forward. Hang on tight my friends, for when it's over, there will be a full reward. We all cheered when the unit finally rested upon the roof, just imagine how it will be when we get to heaven! peace, tom
Titus 3:10 ESV "As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him,"It was a very hard decision but it needed to be done! Today's verse, although harsh, has to be made sometimes! The group leaders met to discuss one of the guys in the group. Each week at our meetings, he did nothing but cause trouble and we found out that he was lying about where his walk was with Christ. After much discussion, we met with him, asked him to curb his language and his attitude with the group but after a few more weeks of the same, it was time to cut him loose. We kept up our prayers for him but as always it comes down to choice. He had the choice to either change his ways or leave the group and go on alone. Tough decisions are never easy to make and that's why we go to God's Word for the best advice when faced with a difficult decision. peace, tom
Psalm 16:7 NASB "I will bless the Lord who has advised me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night."With our third child on the way, we thought it best to get our financial house in order! Today's verse speaks about getting advise and where to go to get it! We needed to get our finances in order, realizing that with another child on the way, we needed to make sure that we were being good stewards of the money we were being blessed with, we called a financial advisor! He helped us plan for the future, to make sure our later years would be taken care of financially. When it comes to life, and making the best decisions, we need to call out to the Lord. He, through the Holy Spirit, is the best counselor we can have as we look to the future. All it takes is a call, a simple prayer asking for His Advice. Double the interest of the blessings by calling out to God! peace, tom
Matthew 7:7 NASB "“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."The reports all week called for dismal weather, rain, wind and cold temps! Today's verse is rather simple to understand, the key is whether we are doing it! With a huge family gathering planned for an outdoor event, we watched the weather. As each day passed the weather report grew worse but we kept moving forward to the day of the event. When time came for family and friends to attend, the sky cleared, the wind died down, and the rain stopped! I know there were people who were praying for us and the event and God heard their prayers. You may think that praying for something so simple as weather, might seem foolish but God's Word says that if we ask, seek and knock, it will be given, found and opened to us. The key is whether or not we are seeking God's help? Even for the small things in life like good weather - you see, He cares for us! Why not ask, He can always say no, but He may just say yes! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
September 2024
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