Ephesians 4:24 NASB "and to put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth."I had to keep sanding it down until it became just like the original! Today's Word shares about putting on a new self, in the likeness of God, created in righteousness and holiness of truth. The truth was that most people wouldn't notice it, but I knew where it was and how after all the hard work, it looked like it was never there. After filling the gouge in the boat and sanding it over and over, it came out better than I ever thought. In life, we will get gouges, things that take part of us away, hurt us and leave us in pain but if we fill ourselves with Jesus Christ, and let the Holy Spirit sand off the rough edges, we can come out better than ever. Don't be afraid to let God do a little or a lot of work on us, He knows what He's doing and we will come out better than before! Sand away Lord, I am ready, how about you?! peace, tom
Matthew 15:8 NASB "This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far away from Me."No sooner had he turned his back, when some of the guys began to ridicule him! Today's verse shares about honoring others, especially God and how lip service just doesn't cut it! After the foreman laid out the plans for the day, some of the men began to mock him and laugh at him as he walked away. They didn't do it to his face but did it when he turned and walked away. I can say that I love my wife but if my actions don't show that, or I talk about her behind her back, where is my heart when it comes to loving and honoring her. Or how about the group of men we call friends, do we wait till they leave then make fun of them. Or how about our children, or our boss and co-workers! When our hearts are in it, we can honor others and God with the right attitude, the right actions. So I guess the question for today is... where is our heart? And how is our honor? Is it just lip service? peace, tom
Job 23:10 NASB "But He knows the way I take;
When He has put me to the test, I will come out as gold."I didn't know it at the time but found out later that I passed the test! Today's verse is about a man who had faced more difficulty that we could ever imagine. He lost his property, income, investments and family but remained faithful to God and passed the test! As a young man, I was asked by a man to help him do some work around his home. I had agreed and at the end of the week, he said that I passed the test and asked me to work for his company! I never knew that I was being tested. The test was that he left me alone in his house when he went to get more supplies, but he left a large amount of cash sitting on his table. The test was to see if the temptation to steal was stronger than the drive not to! In life, we will face tests of many different kinds, sizes and shapes, may we find ourselves passing the test to bring God glory and come out as gold! Be sure to read the Book of Job and find out how God blessed him for passing his test! peace, tom John 1:1 NASB "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."I had to start somewhere and the best place was to read the instructions on how best to do the work! Today's verse shares about the best beginning, and how the Word was God! I had noticed a deep gouge in the bottom of our boat, I knew if I left it alone, trouble would come. Not sure where to begin to fix it, I began to read the instructions on the "fix-it" package! In life, there will be times when we need to fix things that are broken, like broken relationships, broken hearts, broken lives and the best place to get instructions about going about changing them is God's Word. When I speak at men's events, I ask how many are reading His Word daily, the answer staggers me that less than half read His Word daily. No wonder why so many things are broken in this world. Let's get some things fixed by reading His Instructions first! peace, tom
Ecclesiastes 3:1 NASB "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every matter under heaven—"I wanted to pick it so bad but I knew I have to wait one more year! Asparagus takes three years before you can harvest a crop and if you harvest it early, you run the risk of killing the plant before it has time to grow sufficient roots! This years crop is the second year growth but looks good enough to eat, but I have to refrain from harvesting it for another year! Today's verse shares about a time for everything under heaven. Having gone through a few weeks where death has come close to home, has made me realize that each moment is precious, each and every time we have with those we love, may be our last. Earthly death comes to each of us but eternal death can be made into eternal life when we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We don't have to wait another year to accept Him, this could be your time to accept Him today! peace, tom
Psalm 141:2 NASB "May my prayer be counted as incense before You; The raising of my hands as the evening offering."Have you heard the statement "Work smarter not harder"?!, well in doing so, I installed a hoist in my garage to help me lift up some of the heavier items that were a struggle to store in the top of my garage. Admitting that I needed a little help getting them up there was difficult to admit but in working smarter not harder, the hoist would do all the heavy lifting! Today's verse speaks about lifting our prayers and hands in offering to our Lord. I couldn't help but think that sometimes we all need a little help. Many of us don't see our prayers as incense to the Lord or that the raising of our hands as an evening offering but they can be if we do them with the right mindset. Letting go of the "macho man" attitude to admit we need help, can lift our spirits to where the heavy burden is shared by others who are there to help. Let's lift each other up and help carry the heavy burdens of life! peace, tom
Ephesians 4:12 NASB "for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ;"As we sat and talked, you could see his face light up! Sitting with my mentor, a 91 year old pastor, he shared an email he received. It stated that because of his teachings, his church was growing fast and others were coming to know the Lord. Today's verse speaks of building up the body of Christ by equipping others for work. My pastor friend had done just that. He had taught others and they were now out there teaching others! He wasn't jealous of their success, or envious of how God was blessing them, he was genuinely happy for playing a part in God's plan. Let's not make it about us, but about sharing Jesus with others, that's if we first know Him ourselves. Get to know Him, read God's Word, talk to Him daily, learn His Promises and then share Him with others. When it's not about us, but about Him, the body is made stronger! Let's help build it up today! peace, tom
Ephesians 4:15 NASB "but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, that is, Christ,"I could tell right away that the conversation was going to be a rough one! No one likes to hear someone tell us that we are off track, or that our actions weren't the best but if we got friends, who really care about us, they will speak the Truth in love so we can grow up in all aspects like Christ! That's the verse for today, about speaking the Truth in love! As he called me over to the side, he began by telling me some of my good points and then, he began to say that my actions weren't appropriate for the situation at hand. He went on to share exactly what and how my actions had hurt others, he pulled no punches as he shared but with his arm around my shoulders, the Truth would set me free. Having a group of godly men around, to speak Truth into our lives can help us grow into mature christian men, something the world is lacking today! Remember, speak the Truth in love is better than the lie of a so called friend! peace, tom
Hebrews 13:16 NASB "And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."You would think that they "own" the fish of the sea, so they hide their favorite spot! Today's verse speaks to us about doing good and sharing, for then God is pleased! As I prepared to put my boat in the water, some men were coming out, and I asked how they did. They were happy to show the fish that they caught but when asked where, they quickly became mute. Now, not all fisherman are like that, some will share where they fish, what kind of bait they used and other important info. I couldn't help but wonder if that's how it is with the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Some of us have it and keep it all to ourselves while others are glad to share Him. What kind of person are we, one who hides the info or one who is willing to share Him with others?! Remember, someone share Him with us!! peace, tom
James 4:17 NASB "So for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin."It sat out there like an eyesore and I kept saying that I will get to it but never did! Today's verse is the Truth straight at us, hitting us right between the eyes, for it speaks of knowing the Truth and not doing it is sin, plain and simple! Each time I walked in my yard, there sat an old park bench that was sadly in need of repair. I wouldn't let anyone sit in it for fear of falling through it. Each year, I said "this is the year to fix it", but sadly the year went by and I never did it! Well this year was the year and after fixing it, it came out great and now is a place to sit and enjoy our yard as we watch our grandsons play. Knowing the right thing to do and not doing it is sin, plain and simple! Sure the bench not getting fixed in a timely fashion isn't sin but I am sure there are areas in our life where knowing the Truth and not doing it is! Let's sit for a while and ask God for the things in our life that need doing, so we don't sin! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
September 2024
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