Acts 3:19 ESV "Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,"I had to admit, I made the wrong turn! Today's Word is rather simple but seems so hard to follow! I had to ask myself, "how far was I willing to go before I admitted I made the wrong turn?!" While driving with a few men, to a men's conference, I wasn't paying attention and took a wrong turn. No one knew but I knew, the question now became whether i was going to admit my mistake and get back on track or keep heading in the wrong direction! Whether it's driving or living, sometimes we make the wrong turn. We are heading down a path that will only lead us to a wrong destination. It takes courage to admit, we messed up, we sinned, and it takes even more courage to fall on our knees in repentance before our God but if we repent, turn back to Him, we will find our destination of eternal proportions! Get back on the road to righteousness, it's a much better ride! peace, tom
Ezra 10:4 NASB "Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, but we will be with you; be courageous and act."We could all use a little encouragement! Today's Word speaks encouragement to us and lets us know, we are not alone! Sometimes we sit back wondering if we should or shouldn't do it.The doubt creeps in and we find ourselves stuck as to what to do. Recently, I had a decision to make, whether to step forward or just sit back. I weighed my options but still found myself wondering what I should do. A friend called and gave me some great insight and told me today's verse, to be courageous and act! I'm glad I did, things turned out ok! When it's our responsibility, we need to act upon it, not waver from it. Whatever we are facing, pray, ask a friend and then act like the men God's called us to be! peace, tom
Romans 8:18 NASB "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us." I knew it would come but it was so worth it! Today's Word gives us hope, that no matter what we are facing, there is going to be a better thing coming! I was invited to go iceskating with a friend. I knew that the pain and soreness would come from not skating as often as I would like but knowing that I was going to spend some time with a good friend, made the pain not seem so bad! There are times in life when we need to work through the pain in order to get the prize. His Word gives us hope that one day we will see His Glory like after the Cross, He was risen back on high. Let's not focus on the pain but on the glory that will be revealed to us one day. Keep pushing forward, keep focus on Him and we can get through the pain. Going to soak in a warm bath, enjoy the day!! LOL - peace, tom
1 Timothy 1"12 NASB "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service,"Sometimes we need to give ourselves a good shove rather than a pat on the back! Today's verse shares with us where our strength should come from but too often we think it comes from ourselves! The three men, who were up for the promotion, sat in the lunch room. I could overhear the conversation, two of them felt that they deserved the promotion for what they did for the company. How the company owed them somehow, but the third man just sat quietly, said a little prayer thanking God for the opportunity to work there and waited for the decision to be made. Too often we think we get what we get because of who we are, or what we have done rather than focusing on the fact that we can do what we do because God has allowed His Favor upon us. Rather than boast about us, maybe it's time to boast about Him?! You can guess who got the promotion and why can't you?! peace, tom
1 John 3:4 NASB "Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness." They are there for a purpose! Today's Word speaks about sin and lawlessness, and how one is the other! The rules were clearly marked. The signs were everywhere and yet there were those who chose to avoid them or not follow them! While working a job site, the rule was clearly posted about being tied in before we went up in the lift. There were some who thought the rule was there to protect the company, but the truth was that they were there to protect the workers! No sooner did the lift reach the top when the bucket became unstable and the man inside fell out. He was seriously injured and taken to the hospital. The first question the investigators asked was "was he tied in?". Sadly he was one of the guys who didn't think the rules applied to him! Let's be careful out there and follow His Rules, they are there to protect us! peace, tom
1 Timothy 5:1 NASB "Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, and to the younger men as brothers"Oh the wisdom!! Today's verse is about older and younger men and how we are to treat each of them. It was only a short time but the wisdom that he spoke was something to be remembered. I've said it before, I love spending time with older men. To listen to their stories, their times of trials and how they got out of them, the stories of victory etc. - the key is to learn to just sit and listen! Take a moment and look at their hands - many of them carry scars of lessons learned! And how about the younger men - guys who are just starting out in life - treating them as brothers by coming alongside them can make the difference in their lives. Let's not always make it about us but make it about them! Jesus did! peace, tom
Luke 12:2 NASB "But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known." What a mess it was! Today's Word speaks to us about things being revealed and not hidden! They may have thought they would get away with it but once uncovered, it was found to be a mess. While working for a customer, the previous home owners had put paneling up, a lot of paneling! The new homeowners wanted the paneling taken down and the walls redone. When we took the paneling off, we found a mess. The walls were in rough shape, holes everywhere, drywall missing in spots, and it all needed to be replaced. We can try to cover up our messes but one day they will be revealed. We can try to hide our sin but one day it will be exposed so, why not begin to clean up our life. Start small, begin by examining our life according to His Word and see what needs to be replaced and renewed. Let's not just hide behind some panel of lies, but let the Truth set us free! peace, Tom
2 Thessalonians 3:13 ESV "As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good."Right to the end! Today's verse reminds us to keep doing good, no matter how tired we maybe! It was getting close to quitting time, and we only had a few more to do. We could have taken some steps to cut some corners in getting them all done but we decided to do them right even if it meant staying a little later. So often, we try to find reasons to cut short, get done quicker, and leave a few steps missing. What happens when we do that is that our work will not be complete, done in order or pass the test. We had to put five screws into the side of the cabinet, for other fixtures, but as the day was quickly coming to an end, some suggested we only put three in - so we could leave on time. It was decided against as when the fixtures would be hung, they would obviously fall off! We did the right thing, even though tired and ready to go, we wanted to leave behind a good product!! The question is, what are we leaving behind?! peace, tom
Matthew 16:27 NASB "For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every person according to his deeds." The soreness reminded me that I should have been doing it all along! Today's verse is about Christ's return and how He will judge us according to our deeds. It had been a while since I was back on my ice skates and the day after I was sore in places I never knew I had. I was talking to a good friend who recently went through the same thing. I guess the key is that I and he should have been skating all along so that our muscles didn't forget how to work and not be so sore! I wonder if we are keeping up with what God has called us to do, love others, serve others etc or will we be sore when the judgment day comes?! Let's not find ourselves wishing we had kept it up all along, but start today and do it every day! No pain, no gain is no way to live!! peace, tom
Psalm 41:3 NASB "The Lord will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, You restore him to health."No one really likes it at all! Today's Word gives us some encouragement when we are not feeling our best! Recently hit with the stomach bug, I found a little more time to sit and read God's Word. I did a word study on sickness and found many great verses like todays. No one ever wants to be sick but we can find strength in verses like todays. That the Lord will sustain us! Notice it doesn't say that He will take it right away but will sustain us on our sick bed - and then He will restore us to health. Recent'y losing a close friend, I began to meditate upon God's Word - did God really restore him to health... He did if we believe that the greatest cure of any sickness is going home to be with our Lord. The Word says no more tears, no more pain, and that's total healing! Next time your sick in bed, grab His Word, it's the best medicine around! peace, Tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
February 2025
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