1 Timothy 3:2 NASB "An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, skillful in teaching," I know who to call for advice! Today is a list of qualities a leader should have, but it's also a list of a person who we should seek out for advice! There are many times in my life that I need some advice and going to the "right" person is best. There are those who are only thinking of what's best for them and not really what's best for us. Being careful to get the best advice means making sure the person we seek not only talks the talk but walks the walk. Just because someone has the mental knowledge doesn't mean that they have our or God's best interest in mind. Let's be careful in giving advice and where we get our advice from. Do the check list from today's Word for both! peace, tom
Hebrews 13:2 NASB "Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."I could either focus on the evil or the good - it always comes down to choice. Today we read about helping others! As we boarded the train, heading back to NYC after the towers fell, I felt a hatred in my heart for those who flew the planes into the buildings. When we got off the train, we began to meet other firefighters headed in the same direction - to Ground Zero - although I still had the hatred in my heart, I began to see the good in mankind as hundreds came to help. We weren't sure what we would find but we came, all willing to help in any way! I can't see the numbers 911 without thinking about those days when I saw good overcome the evil. I eventually gave up the hatred and even prayed for those who did the evil. It always comes down to choice! Today, may we pray for all those effected by that day! peace, tom
1Thessalonians 4:4 ESV "that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor," I knew it was out of control!! Today we read that we should know how to control our own bodies in holiness and honor! It was going way to fast and I was in control until I hit the curve and sure enough it flew off the tracks. Having a hobby of model trains, I can learn a lot about life - like going around the curves way too fast will cause an accident. When we apply that to our lives, we can learn that going too fast, whether driving a vehicle, working on a project or being promoted can lead to an accident. Sometimes we need to slow down and smell the roses! Meaning that it's not always about being first - I read somewhere that the last shall be first and the first last - LOL - let's slow down out there and be careful to stay on the tracks! peace, tom
1 John 4:1 NASB "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."It broke! Today's Word tells us to test things, making sure they are from God! I had to try and see if it would hold up before I put it in place in the customer's house. It didn't - I had to go back and remake it and this time I was sure to put in extra screws and glue to hold it together! The reality is that not all things are good, not all things are built the same, not all things will help us along this journey called life. Testing them against the Word of God will help us decide to add them to our life or let them go! Sadly, even some people do not have our best interest in mind and need to be tested and found to be a help rather than a hurt, in our life. But let's make sure we test ourselves before we go testing others! It always comes down to choice! peace, tom
Isaiah 1:17 NASB "Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor, Obtain justice for the orphan, Plead for the widow’s case."As the school year begins, I was reminded of the importance of learning! Today's verse is a list of things that we should learn to do! Hearing of our grandchildren entering the school year brought to mind those early days of my life of going to school. To be honest, there was fear, fear of the unknown, fear of how the other children would react to me, fear that I wouldn't fit in, but there was also a sense of excitement of learning new things. Even today, too old for school, I am open to learning new things. When we read His Word, we must have our hearts set on what He wants to teach us in how we live and today's verse gives us some great things to learn! Reading them is one thing and living them another! Let's put into practice what we learn from His Word! Pray for our children as they begin the school year! peace, tom
1 John 2:6 NASB "the one who says that he remains in Him ought, himself also, walk just as He walked." Just because we wear the jersey, doesn't mean we are part of the team! Today's verse is about walking as Christ walked! We all love to wear our favorite sports team jerseys but that doesn't mean we are part of the team. We are fans, supporters of our home teams but the question comes up of whether we are truly fans or just when they are winning! If we say that we are followers of Christ, we must walk His Walk even when things aren't going the way we want them to go. It's always easy to say we love Christ and live for Him when things are going our way but when struggles begin, health or other issues come up, are we still part of His Team?! If we wear His Jersey, we must walk the walk, good times and bad. Let's think about how we walk what we speak! peace, tom
Colossians 1:11 NASB "strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all perseverance and patience; joyously" It's one thing to say it, and another to live it! Today's Word is about having the strength to endure it with patience and joy! Whether it was fighting a house fire, building a house or doing a home repair, I knew that the job wouldn't be completed in a manner of minutes. Things take time and having the courage and strength to endure it to the end is where we find the satisfaction of a job well done. We may be going through some health issues or relationship issues but finding the strength in Christ to hold on till the end with joy can only be done if we know Jesus. Let's remain faithful as we keep our eyes on Him and He will see us through! peace, tom
Romans 15:2 ESV "Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up."I would have walked right past him but something made me stop! Today's Word is about helping! I didn't even notice him sitting there but as I passed by, I believe the Holy Spirit had me look down. He sat, covered in filth and was wearing rags. At first I didn't notice that he was crying but as I bent down and asked if he needed help, his eyes looked up and I could see the tears. I asked what was wrong, if there was anything I could help with. His reply surprised me "why", he said. As I thought about how best to answer that, I thought of the times when I was down, needed some help, and how people came to help me. I told him that I had been in similar situations and needed help and so I thought I would offer him the same. We ended up talking for hours, going to dinner, and calling a local friend I knew, for I was out of town. Taking a moment to see the need doesn't cost us that much but the encouragement we give can make the difference! peace, tom
1 Corinthians 10:31 NASB "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all things for the glory of God." I used to do it for the pat on the back, not so any more! Today we read about why we do what we do! As we enjoy Labor Day, may we take some time to examine why we do what we do! For years I worked for their approval. I somehow needed that pat on the back to validate my work habits. I was always looking for the "good job" for I felt as if my work, my life didn't matter. Not until I began to do things to bring God the glory, did I find the true fulfilment in what I did. Whether it was running into a burning building, framing a house, doing some type of handyman work, I now did it for God's glory. I stopped looking for man's approval and instead did it for His Glory. I found peace at the work place like never before. Let's not labor in vain but labor to show the gifts and talents God has blessed us with! And the work we do behind the scenes and think no one notices... He does! peace, tom
Proverbs 22:6 NASB "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it."It had only been a week! Today's verse speaks to us about teaching children and how they will remember!! I began to show one of my grandsons how to cast the fishing rod when he said "I know Grampa, you already showed me how!". A week earlier, I had taken the time to show him how to cast, and here he was, already a master of it. It wasn't just casting a fishing pole, but when we went out to lunch, as we finished praying for our meals, he said that I had left him out as we went down the list of family we were praying for. Too funny as he remembered the list from the weeks before. Let's not underestimate what our children are retaining as we share life with them. And remember that our actions will speak louder than words!! Let's raise them up in the Way of the Lord and not the way of the world! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
September 2024
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