Proverbs 13:22 ESV "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children,"It's not the stuff! Today's Verse is about leaving a legacy from a father to his children's children! My dad made sure when he knew I was babysitting the grandkids, his great-grand children. He would stop by and love on them. He would make them laugh, teach the grandsons how to shake hands, hold our granddaughter and just talk to her. He loved them and they loved him. He has left them an inheritance of love. It's never about the stuff but it's about the substance in life for the things of this world will slowly slip away when we focus on the love. While my dad may have left this earth, he has left his grandchildren and great grandchildren something that is far more valuable than anything we can buy. He has left them love and found memories of where he lived Jesus Christ. He always made them feel as if they were his favorite! He learned how to love by knowing how much God loves us by sending Jesus Christ to be our sin. Get to know that love by spending time in His Word and then share it with others! Dad, you may be gone from this world but never forgot and we will see you again! Thanks for a great legacy of love! peace, tom
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Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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