Proverbs 11:2 NASB "When pride comes, then comes dishonor; But with the humble there is wisdom."I got this! Today's Verse is filled with wisdom, that's if we aren't prideful not to learn it! As my dad handed me the keys and asked if I was ok to drive, I answered "I got this"! No sooner did I turn out of the driveway, did I lose control of the car and hit a tree! The road was icy but I was too proud to admit that I wasn't sure, for I had never driven on an icy road before. The only thing that went before me was my pride, and with it came dishonor as I had to admit that I hadn't learn how to handle a vehicle on the icy roads! Sometimes in life, we think we know best and end up learning the lesson the hard way. When we set our pride aside, it can open up new wisdom that we never knew before like how to turn a car in a skid!! lol - Let's not let pride get in the way of learning some new wisdom from God for the road of life can get icy out there and learning how to manage it His Way is so much better than ours! peace, tom
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Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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