John 6:9 NASB “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are these for so many people?”Don't sweat the small stuff! Today's Verse may seem like just a small verse with no meaning but if we read the rest of the story, we find that Jesus fed the thousands with what the boy had! We were locked out and the only way in was a small opening in the basement. On order to get back in, we needed a smaller person, in fact the smallest person there. He quickly entered through the small opening and unlocked the door so we could all enter! There was another time when I dropped the screw into the motor and needed a smaller hand to reach down and grab it, thank God for daughters! Let's thank God for the small stuff in life, for God can use the small stuff in life to reach more than we ever dreamed. Don't ever think what you do for God, even though it maybe small, will not reach thousands! peace, tom
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Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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