Psalm 34:4 NASB "I sought the Lord and He answered me, And rescued me from all my fears."We kept searching until we heard they were out! Today's Verse speaks to us about search and rescue! The report came in of two children still trapped in the fire building, so our crew entered and began to search. We were not going to leave that fire building until we found those children or heard reports that they were safe. Going room to room, in the darkness and the smoke until at last we heard that they were safe. Today's verse uses the word "sought" in searching the Lord in order to be rescued from our fears. I wonder, when was the last time we sought the Lord, I mean really looked for Him to rescue us. Too often, we try to do it on our own only to fail but when we get Him involved, we can be rescued from the sin and darkness of our lives. Let's search for Him today as if our children were trapped in a fire building! peace, tom
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Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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