2 Corinthians 4:16 NASB "Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer person is decaying, yet our inner person is being renewed day by day." It has been two years, but I am stronger today! Today's verse speaks of getting older but inwardly we are being renewed! Most don't know, but for two years I have been battling health issues. It's a long story of testing, doctor's visits, medication and results that I am getting older. But with that said, my inner strength has been renewed daily as I walk closer to Him. That's the key when life has thrown us some curve balls. Always looking for the opportunity to share Jesus, I find sitting in the waiting rooms as an opportunity to share with those sitting there waiting as well. Let us not focus on our outward bodies, but keep being renewed by His Word, Prayer, and sharing of our faith. Don't let our age keep us from being new creatures in Christ! peace, tom
2 Timothy 2:2 ESV "and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also." I found myself repeating what he said! Today's verse speaks to us men about being faithful men, able to teach others! Every now and then, I find myself repeating what my dad had taught me as I teach my grandsons. I almost have to laugh out loud as the words seem almost the same. Teaching these young boys, the lessons of life, brings back so many memories of my dad. We all have a responsibility to teach the next generation the lessons of life we've learned along the way. Most of my memories of my dad are when he was teaching me about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and how to live Jesus not just talk about Him. Let us be careful to be faithful men to Christ and live to teach others as well. peace, Tom
Colossians 3:2 NASB "Set your minds on the things that are above, not on the things that are on earth."No matter what we are doing, we stop and look up! Today's Word is about where to keep our mind despite what goes on in the world! No matter what we are doing, playing a game, kicking a ball around, throwing a football, the minute he hears a plane, he stops and looks up! Each of my grandchildren love to watch the planes go by. Thankfully, living where the flight path of the planes is near, they go by quite often. I wondered to myself as we stopped to watch the plane go by, if we should do that with the things of the Lord. No matter what happens in our life, we need to stop and look up - not at the sky but at what the Lord has for us. It may be a blessing or some type of discipline, but keeping our minds set up Him can keep us from falling away! Let's look up to Him today, no matter what we are doing! peace, tom
Philippians 1:6 NASB "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus." I can still remember it! Today's verse gives us hope, that He will help us complete the task we are asked to do! It was rookie school with the fire department, as I stood at the base of the 100' arial ladder. I looked up and began to climb but somewhere along the 100' I began to think that I couldn't make it to the top! I heard the words of the instructor from down below " you can do it, just keep moving forward!". Words spoken to someone who is struggling can make the difference between confidently finishing the job or falling short. Children today need adults that will encourage, support, stand by, get involved, and speak words that will help them grow into mature men and woman. Think back to when someone encouraged us to keep on keeping on! Encourage someone today! peace, tom
1 Corinthians 3:10 NASB "According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each person must be careful how he builds on it." I did it so no one would have to come back and fix it! Today's Word is about being a good craftsman in whatever we do! Call backs are never fun! That's when a customer, or our supervisor calls us back to redo a project or part of the work we were asked to do. Call backs mean that we didn't give our best, do our best and just fell short somewhere along the process. In today's verse, it states being like a wise master builder, words that we need to remember as we go about our jobs. No matter if we work finances, plumbing, electrical, working with disabled children, (the list is endless), we need to give our best, do our best each and every time! And that goes for our relationship with Jesus Christ as well. Being His Witness means we represent Him and what He stands for! We should never get a call back for shoddy work when it comes to the work of the Lord! Let's do it right the first time! peace, tom
1 Corinthians 4:2 NASB "In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy." It's not a word we use today but maybe we should be?! Today's verse is about being trustworthy, what does that really mean to us?! I handed him the keys to my vehicle and simply said "be careful". He didn't have the means to get done, what needed to be done unless he had a vehicle to do it with. When he first asked me if I would lend him my vehicle, there was a part of me that wanted to say no - because he had a reputation of not being trustworthy. I was worried that my vehicle wouldn't return in the same condition I lent it to him. After a few minutes of asking myself if my possessions possessed me, I said yes! He returned the vehicle in better shape than when I lent it to him, it was vacuumed out, washed and waxed. Being trustworthy means we live and treat others better than we do ourselves, that's a good way to live and be known for - the question is... are we? peace, tom
Isaiah 55:11 NASB "So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it." They matter! Today's verse, speaks about words, our words, His Word and no matter what, they will accomplish what we desire! I thought back to my words of anger that hurt so many people. I didn't care at the time, when I spoke them. My only thought was to inflict pain when I spoke in anger. I never realized the damage that can be done when we simply utter a disparaging comment. Years later, I realized that even though I apologized at the time, the damage done by words spoken in anger have long lasting effects. There is that old adage that says "think before we speak", it's a really good lesson to put into practice for as we read today's verse, our words will accomplish what we desire! Let's use our words to encourage, uplift and strengthen someone today, rather than tear them apart for years to come! peace, tom
2 Peter 3:9 NASB "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance."We simply had to take our time! Today's verse is about not rushing things, taking things slowly so we don't perish and can find forgiveness! We needed to get the rather large man down the stairs, for he had fallen and broke both legs. Being on the third floor of the apartment building meant going slowly down the flights of stairs without causing him more harm. Each man took a handle on the specially design stretcher and slowly we began to walk him out. Rushing things would have only made the journey more difficult and most likely caused him pain beyond what he was already experiencing. Many times we just need to slow down and focus rather than race ahead and cause more pain. Thank God He is patient with us all! Can I get an Amen to that! peace, tom
1 John 1:8 NASB "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us." I had to be reminded that my actions didn't speak about Christ as much as about myself! Today's Word is about the Truth and if we say we don't sin, or don't have sin in our life, then we are just plain lying! I was called over to the side as one of my mentors talked to be privately. He started out by giving me a pat on the back for some of the things I did but eventually got around to telling me that some of my actions regarding others weren't in the best interest of sharing Jesus. At first, the reality was that I wanted to argue the point, but the more I thought about my actions, prayed about them, I found out that he was correct. It must have been hard for him to come to me with the Truth but caring about me and my witness of Jesus, was more important to him. Let's not be so quick to think that we don't sin but check our walk according to His Word and thank God for a good friend, mentor, to set us straight! peace, tom
Romans 14:1 NASB "Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not to have quarrels over opinions." It doesn't have to be that hard! Today's Word is about not finding fault, but accepting each other! Help me understand that just because we may not like the opinions of others, does it give us the right to try and end their life?! I am not a very political person but with the recent attempt at a political person, I find myself wondering when it became ok to try and take them out?! We all have different opinions, and that's fine but when we take those opinions into acts of violence toward each other, we've crossed a line. Jesus came for all of us, with different opinions and never struck out but handled each of us with love. maybe we need to try that approach where we live today's verse! Just sayin! peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
January 2025
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