Proverbs 22:6 NASB "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it."It had only been a week! Today's verse speaks to us about teaching children and how they will remember!! I began to show one of my grandsons how to cast the fishing rod when he said "I know Grampa, you already showed me how!". A week earlier, I had taken the time to show him how to cast, and here he was, already a master of it. It wasn't just casting a fishing pole, but when we went out to lunch, as we finished praying for our meals, he said that I had left him out as we went down the list of family we were praying for. Too funny as he remembered the list from the weeks before. Let's not underestimate what our children are retaining as we share life with them. And remember that our actions will speak louder than words!! Let's raise them up in the Way of the Lord and not the way of the world! peace, tom
James 1:8 NASB "being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."I'm sure we've all met one, and maybe we are one ourselves?! Today's Word is rather simple but so profound! I asked him again, "what exactly are we trying to accomplish?"! He began to give me the same answer as before but made absolutely no sense. The other guys on the crew just stood there not exactly sure what to do next or even what we were trying to accomplish. When someone is double-minded, they can't give a straight answer which can cause confusion for those working with them. Having our minds set on two different things, like one part on the flesh and the other on the Spirit, can make us unstable. Focusing on the Spirit and the Spirit alone will help us find the best path of life and allow us to being others along. Sadly we didn't get a lot accomplished that day!! Lets be focused today, and get 'er done! peace, tom
Acts 24:16 NASB "In view of this I also do my best to maintain a blameless conscience both before God and before other people, always."It will eat us alive! Today we read about a blameless conscience, where we don't let guilt creep in! I had to go back and tell the customer that we did it wrong and would fix it the right way! While doing a home repair project for a customer, we had cut some corners just to get the job done. Each day, as we were finishing up, the guilt of not doing the right thing, began to work on me. I finally had to come clean and tell the truth. Once we faced the truth, the guilt went away and I could breath again! Don't let the guilt eat us alive, live the Truth and we won't have to worry about the guilt! If we have done it wrong, step up and take care of it the right way! peace, tom
Titus 3:10 ESV "As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him"It's was one of those decisions we don't like to make! Today's Word is rather hard to admit but there are times when we need to walk away and not go back! I had worked for the company for a few years and during that time there were decisions made that just weren't ethical! I had spoken to my immediate supervisor with no result, then took it to management with the similar result, I finally decided enough was enough! I quit!! Whether it's a disagreement at work, or between persons, there comes a time when we need to step away from those who want to do nothing but cause division and trouble. We can stay and be miserable or we can step away. After trying our best to speak the Truth, it just may be time to walk away! Always comes down to choice! peace, tom
Hebrews 10:26 NASB "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins"If you do it like that again, you're going to be fired! Today's Word is about willfully sinning after we know the Truth! I was standing near by as the supervisor was talking to another employee. He finished the conversation with the previous statement of getting fired for doing it again! I wasn't sure what the supervisor was talking about but when the other employee came to me, he said that he didn't care and was going to do it his only way, not the way the supervisor wanted it. Sure enough, shortly there after, he was fired. When we learn the Truth, it's time to change our ways to His Way. Doing it our way over and over, knowing it's wrong is just plain wrong! Let's learn the Truth and be set free! peace, tom
John 14:6 NASB "Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me."I was lost, listening to the lies and was dying inside! Today's Word is rather simple but has eternal ramifications! I had had enough of the anger, enough of the lies saying that I couldn't get past it, and my life was dying for I was hurting those I loved. I needed a change, I needed to find the way out of the anger, I needed the truth and to find a new way of living. On my knees, I cried out to God. It was then that I truly found Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior! I had known Him all my life but never really lived Him. I found the Way out of the anger, I found the Truth from the lies, and I found new life in Him. You can too, we just need to let go and accept Him as our Lord and Savior! Don't wait for tomorrow, for tomorrow is promised to no one and I want to see you in heaven! peace, tom
Romans 8:5 ESV "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit."It's not just where we walk but it's what we think about too! Today's Word is the difference between setting our minds on the flesh verses setting them upon the Spirit! As we walked the narrow edge, I kept my eyes upon the ground to make sure I didn't miss a step but when my mind began to lose focus, I found myself slipping! We can't just keep focus on where our feet travel, we must keep our minds focused as well. We have that choice of focusing on what the world says is important or on God and what His Word says is important. It always comes down to choice but one will end in disaster while the other will end with an eternity with God. Let's keep our mind focused on Him so that we never really have to worry about where our feet tread because the Holy Spirit will never lead us wrong! peace, tom
Psalm 119:11 ESV "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." I was guilty but not because of what I did but because of what I didn't know! Today's verse is about learning the Word so we might not sin. One thing is knowing and the other is not knowing it! I was found guilty because I didn't know the proper procedure at work. I had not read the handbook given to me when I started, so when it came time to do it, I didn't do it right! I was asked by the supervisor why I did what I did, my response didn't hold water. I said I didn't know the proper way. He simply said "Did I read the book?!" - I wonder if God doesn't want to say that to us from time to time, "Did you read the Book?!" especially when we cry out to Him to fix the problem when it was our fault from the beginning. Let's learn the Book so we may not sin against Him or others! peace, tom
Psalm 78:4 NASB "We will not conceal them from their children, But we will tell the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His power and His wondrous works that He has done."Who would have thought?! Today's Word is about legacy, about what we share with the next generation! A simple game of catch with a grandson led to an interesting conversation. He simply asked me what I did on Sunday mornings. He knew that I went to church but wanted to know what I did there. I told him how I share God's Word and the message that I prepare for during the week. He asked where does the message come from and it led to a great conversation about the Holy Spirit. Sure, along the way we threw the ball back and forth. We never know how our interaction with the next generation will lead to an opportunity to talk about Jesus and God's Word - so when they ask for a simple game of catch, let's be open to where it will lead! peace, tom
Luke 21:36 NASB "But stay alert at all times, praying that you will have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man."It usually happens that way! Today we read about staying alert, praying for strength and standing before the Son of Man! I had held my fishing pole for about an hour before I set it down to eat some lunch and sure enough, that's when it happened. The tip of the pole began to bend and I knew if I didn't grab it fast, the pole would have gone over the side of the boat. In life, the minute we take our eyes off Jesus and put them on the world, temptation will come and we will fall overboard in our walk with Jesus. Staying alert for the enemies attack is key to fighting the good fight of faith. The minute we let our guard down, the enemy will attack and if we are not strong in the Lord, we will fall. Let's make sure we stay alert at ALL times, praying without ceasing for the strength to walk the Walk! Or in my case, catch the fish! lol peace, tom
Tom SEmberAuthor of Daily Devotions Archives
February 2025
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